The event is directed by the Ministry of Science and Technology, organized by VnExpress Newspaper in coordination with the Club of Information Technology – Communication – Faculty – Institute (FISU).

With the theme “Unlocking the power of Generative AI”, AI4VN 2024 will recreate the real picture, opportunities and challenges when applying artificial intelligence (AI) in industries and fields: Healthcare, finance and banking, education, transportation, environmental resources, agriculture, culture – entertainment…

At the main session of the Vietnam Artificial Intelligence Festival, after the speeches of leaders of the Government, ministries, branches and international organizations, the issues of overview of the development trend of artificial intelligence (AI) in the world and Vietnam will be discussed and clarified by speakers representing international corporations and domestic experts. Many new topics were introduced at the event such as: “Generative AI and prominent trends in 2024”; “Artificial Intelligence beyond the computer screen” and many new contents to clarify the preparation steps, potential as well as opportunities and challenges when developing and applying AI for Vietnam.

The event also included four seminars covering the topics: AI Automation – Automation and AI; Application of generative artificial intelligence in small and medium enterprises in Vietnam; Data center and AI Cloud and Application of AI in the field of Health. Before entering the in-depth topics, the representative of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) will have an opening discussion on “International cooperation to ensure safety for artificial intelligence”.

Ngày hội Trí tuệ nhân tạo Việt Nam năm 2024: Mở khóa sức mạnh trí tuệ nhân tạo tạo sinh

Within the framework of AI4VN 2024, there will also be an exhibition (AI Expo) with booths displaying typical AI products of businesses, institutes, schools… currently on the Vietnamese market and awarding prizes (AI Awards 2024) for outstanding AI products and solutions.

The AI ​​Awards 2024 is directed by the Ministry of Science and Technology, organized by VnExpress Newspaper in coordination with the Club of Information Technology – Communication Faculties – Institutes – Schools (FISU). This is the second year the award has been held within the framework of the Vietnam Artificial Intelligence Festival 2024 (AI4VN 2024).