Department of Applied Artificial Intelligence

The Department of Applied Artificial Intelligence is responsible for groups of subjects related to the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in various fields. Applied artificial intelligence is a dynamic field of research and development, focusing on transforming artificial intelligence theories and algorithms into practical solutions, solving complex problems in the limited world. The groups of subjects managed by the Department not only equip students with in-depth knowledge of advanced AI techniques, but also train their creative thinking, analysis and problem-solving skills, helping them become experts capable of applying AI in various fields. Core contents:

  • Natural language processing (NLP): Users will learn about NLP models and techniques, from syntax analysis, semantics to machine translation, automatic text generation, chatbots and large system languages. Student members will also be guided to develop applications based on this platform architecture.
  • Computer Vision: Students will be equipped with knowledge of image processing algorithms, object recognition, image segmentation, object tracking and 3D reconstruction. Computer vision applications are widely experienced from self-driving cars, robots, healthcare to entertainment and security.
  • Recommendation systems: Students will learn about collaborative filtering techniques, content analysis and deep learning to build personalized recommendation systems, helping to provide better user experience in e-commerce, entertainment and many other fields.
  • Robotics: Students will be introduced to the basic principles of Robot Intelligence, including controls, sensors, dynamic programming and reinforcement learning, helping students understand how robots interact with the environment and execute complex tasks.
  • Other AI applications: In addition to the above fields, students will also be exposed to other AI applications such as big data analysis, giant detection, smart healthcare, finance, etc.